American Legion Post
Warren Unit 11 Auxiliary PO Box 293, Warren, Judy Fardig, 245-5431 American Legion Post 11
11 Jefferson Street, Warren 245-9240 American Legion Post 8
Veteran Memorial Pkwy, Barrington, 245-9477 Barrington Democratic Club
86 Roffee Street, Barrington 245-9489 Barrington land Conservation Trust
Jan Reitsma, President, Barrington Senior Center
281 County Road, Barrington Louis House, dirl, 247-1936 Barrington Preservation Society
281 County Road, Barrington, RI Bayberry Garden Club
Juliet Mello, 245-0142 Benjamin Church Senior Center
1020 Hope Street, Bristol, RI 02809 253-8458 Boy Scouts
351-8700 Bristol County Elks Lodge #1860
1 Constitution Street, Bristol, 253-9805 Bristol County Emblem Club
Terri Ferreira, 253-7317 Fourth of July Committee
PO Box 561, Bristol, RI 02809 Judy Squires, 253-7885 Bristol County Interfaith Choir
Joan Roth, 253-8106 Bristol County Lions
PO Box 534, Bristol, RI, 02809 Frank Cirillo, 247-1241 Bristol County Striper Club
Robert Ferloli, 724-5651 Bristol Good Neighbors
Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry 378 Hope Street, Bristol, 254-0726 Bristol Historical & Preservation Society
Ray Battcher, 253-7223 Bristol Narrows Improvement Assoc.
David Kemmy, 253-4675 Bristol Rotary Club
Post Office Box 469, Bristol, RI, 02809 Bristol Train of Artillery
135 State Street, Bristol Lt. Col. Herbert Deveau, 253-3927 Lt. Col. Raymond Murray, 253-1558 Coggeshall Farm Museum,
253-9062 Daughters of Isabella-Hope Circle #70
St. Mary's Church Hall, 330 Wood St. Bristol DAV Chapter 13- Correia-Wojtyto Post
Warren, Raymond Sanchas, 245-8323 DAV Chapter 15- Lawson-Raiola Post
Bristol, Michael Minutelli, 253-9036 Dom Luiz Filipe Portuguese Beneficial Assoc.
9 St. Elizabeth St., Bristol, 253-7144 East Bay Chamber of Commerce
16 Cutler Street, Suite 102, Warren Betty J. Pleacher, President, 245-0750 East Bay Affiliate-Literacy
Volunteers of East Bay 17 Croad Street, Warren, 247-2177 East Warren Rod & Gun Club
24 Long Lane, Warren, 245-5763 Franklin Court Independent Living
150 Franklin Street, Bristol, 254-1010 |
Linden Place Museum
500 Hope Street, Bristol, RI James Burke Connell Ex, Dir., 253-0390 GFWC - Bristol County Woman's Club
245-1694 GFWC - Osamequin Woman's Club
Martha Scavongelli, 245-1800 Girl Scouts of RI
Council Office, 331-4500 Insight - Bristol County Chapter
Al Finger, 253-7176 Italian-American Citizens Club
27 Kelley Street, Warren ITAMS Veterans Cappucci Weir Post 1
Steve Skuba, 32 Ridge Road, Bristol Kaiser Retirees
Helen Coite, 253-5576 Kickemuit Grange
Rhonda Chase, 245-5158 John Kenyon, 508/676-0367 LaBella Sicillia Society
Jerome Squatrito, 253-3212 League of Women Voters- Bristol
Derry Riding, 253-8145 Masonic Temple/Washington Lodge
F &AM, 39 Baker Street, Warren Ray Medley, 245-7652 Massasoit Historical Association
PO Box 203, Warren, RI 02885 Patricia Read, Pres, 245-0392 Mosaico Community Development Corp
253-4627 Odd Fellows Lodge - Bristol
Fred Mathews, 849-6269 RI Veterans Home Retirees
Terry D'Agostino, 245-5455 Sons of Italy Leonardo da Vinci Lodge # 2289,
Francis Vaccaro, 253-5792 VFW Almeida Post #237 Bristol
Arthur Bazinet, 253-9866 VFW Stevens-LaRoche-Pratte Post
#122, Warren, James Robbins Warren/Barrington Rotary Club
PO Box 62, Warren, RI 02885 Warren Assoc. of Vietnam Veterans
Judy Fardig, 245-5431 Warren German - American Club
27 Kelley Street, Warren, 245-3615 Warren Historic Cemetery Committee
Judy Fardig, 245-5431 Warren Land Conservation Trust
Richard Hallberg, pres., 245-3352 Warren Portuguese - American Club
112 Arlington Avenue, Warren Warren Preservation Society
Spencer Morris: Warren Rotary Quahog Festival
Tim Pray, 247-2188 Warren Senior Citizen Center
Betty Hoague, 247-1930 |
Animal Shelters
Barrington Partnership for Animal Welfare (BPAW), 524-7742
Barrington Services for Animals; 245-2284
Bristol Animal Shelter, 10 Minturn Farm Road , Bristol :
253-4834 or
Warren Animal Shelter, 80 Wood Street , 245-4569
R.l. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty ot Animals
186 Amaral St. , Riverside ; 438-8150
East Providence Volunteer Services for Animals
Petco on Rt 6, Seekonk, 434-6036, 524-7742
Barrington Services for Animals; 245-2284
Bristol Animal Shelter, 10 Minturn Farm Road , Bristol :
253-4834 or
Warren Animal Shelter, 80 Wood Street , 245-4569
R.l. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty ot Animals
186 Amaral St. , Riverside ; 438-8150
East Providence Volunteer Services for Animals
Petco on Rt 6, Seekonk, 434-6036